
Here is a list of books from other authors that I believe are good or important reads generally related to the issues I deal with here on the blog at kulturCritic.   I hope you find them useful and/or interesting.  Feel free to post comments on any of them as you feel inspired.  I will continually update the booklist as needed.  If any one would like to add to it just email me or post it to your comment and suggest I add it.

Coming Home To The Pleistocene, Paul Shepard

Saving The Appearances: A Study In Idolatry, Owen Barfield

Notes From Underground, Fyodor Dostoevsky

Phenomenology Of Perception, Maurice Merleau-Ponty

The Evolution Of Political Society, Morton Fried

Nature and Madness, Paul Shepard

The Recovery Of The West, Marvin Bram

The Perception Of The Environment, Tim Ingold

The Western Illusion Of Human Nature, Marshall Sahlins

The Tender Carnivore and The Sacred Game, Paul Shepard

Paul Feyerabend, Conquest of Abundance

The End Of Time, J Barbour

Transcultural Experiments, Mikhail Epstein

The Visible and the Invisible, M Merleau-Ponty

Don’t Sleep, There Are Snakes

The Spell Of The Sensuous, David Abram

In Search of the Primitive, Stanley Diamond

The Future of an Illusion, Freud

Social Contract, Rousseau

Democracy In America

How Natives Think, L Levy-Bruhl

The Phenomenon of Life, Hans Jonas

The Presence of the Word, Walter Ong

Theodore Roszak, Where The Wasteland Ends

Dante, Divine Comedy

Freud, Future of an Illusion

Gore Vidal, The Selected Essays

The Domestication of the Savage Mind, Jack Goody




17 Responses to Bookshelf

  1. Ellen Rainwalker says:

    I am surprised you don’t have any books by Marija Gimbutas. She was an archaeologist who investigated sites in Eastern Europe and found clear evidence of egalitarian societies that had no weapons, but were rich in culture and art.

  2. Pingback: Shoal Hope

  3. Darrell says:

    My suggestion for a good, enlighten read is a book by Dionysios Farasiotis. The title of Mr. Farasiotis book is: the Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios. Mr. Farasiotis is an Orthodox Christian, a Greek and the book is about his spiritual journey. His most telling writings are about Elder Paisios. His other discourses are almost as pungent and they are the fruition of his seeking answers to timeless questions.

  4. Michael Mott says:

    An older book that is Prescient regarding these issues is
    “Unconscious Civilization” By John Ralston Saul published in 1995.


    • kulturcritic says:

      Interesting recommendation, Michael. Have looked him up. Good critiques, as far as they go. But, it seems as though he might be stuck as an apologist for the system (only an earlier version). But, I promise to read more; am ordering his last work. sandy

  5. Pingback: The Despair of Doing Nothing: A Thought Experiment | kulturCritic

  6. Pingback: Smashing the Grand Chessboard: Global Conquest by Design? | kulturCritic

  7. baja-desert-rat says:

    will send you a few books that I think are worthy of general consideration.
    Please, check them out and comment on them / recommend them
    if you so decide.
    Best to you and all my fellow travellers
    Home To Baja California Sur

  8. Pingback: Bookshelf | kathydhughes

  9. Pingback: ‘Teach Our Children Well’— On Deconstructing the Curriculum of the West | kulturCritic

  10. Pingback: A Cautionary Note on Commerce and Service in Altai Krai | kulturCritic

  11. Jennifer says:

    You share some profound insights regarding the spiritual conditions of both Russia/Siberia and the West, was wondering what your own religious persuasion is if any?

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