It’s Not a Clusterfuck! It’s an American Pussy Riot!

It is comically depressing to watch the pole dancing of American politics from over here in the land of Putin and rioting pussy.  Even Dmitry Medvedev realizes that the girls have already spent enough time in lock-up.  Yet we all gawk in amazement at how the American public can stand for the same striptease routine over-and-over again and not realize they are being had; that they are watching a very old and schizophrenic transvestite, indeed.  Even the suggestion that this spectacle represents the vanguard of freedom and democracy is comical.  It is more entertaining and more honest to watch the comedy surrounding Russian elections.  At least here, you can clearly make-out whose pulling the strings; in America, the puppeteer is hiding behind veils of fake religiosity, nationalism, consumerism, as well as plain deception and voluntary ignorance.  The Russians know what is going on; the Americans continue to delude themselves, as the noose tightens.

It is interesting because Russian business and politics operate in similar fashion; bribes and back door agreements carry real weight.  The public understands this.  In America, there is really very little difference in how things operate.  It is just that we Americans continue to delude ourselves that everything done in the USA is above board, above reproach, and that it demonstrates our rectitude and moral superiority.  What a bag of shit!

From one spectacle to the next! I notice that the regular group of fakir politicos did not come out for the 9/11 festivities this year (at least not in abundance).  Are they finally tired of acting like they care?  After all, how long can you milk that cow?

Meanwhile some important-looking folks in clown suits in Germany are trying a

political end-around takeover of Europe, a rather pale shadow of Hitler’s more aggressive moves in that direction some eighty years ago.

On a more somber note, Hilary has her hands full of blood now with the recent death of Christopher Stevens (not to be confused with the ever-popular Cat Stevens), the Ambassador to Libya, evidently due to a sacreligious depiction of the Prophet Mohammed in an independent film allegedly produced by an Israeli-American real estate developer.

Fighters involved in the assault, which was spearheaded by a Islamist brigade formed during last year’s uprising against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, said in interviews during the battle that they were moved to attack the mission by anger over a 14-minute, American-made video that depicted the Prophet Muhammad, Islam’s founder, as a villainous, homosexual and child-molesting buffoon. (NYTimes 9/13/2012)

God, will these three offspring of the Abrahamic fakir-faith ever stop tormenting one another: talk about sibling rivalry in the nuclear family.

But wait, is it no surprise that the spin-meisters have already got us humming the terrorist tune on this attack as well?  It was, the pols tell us, not a spontaneous uprising of a disaffected Islamic brigade irrate over the defamation of their prophet Mohammed; no, it was a strategic al Quaeda (they just happen to be Muslim as well, don’t you know) attack planned in conjunction with the anniversay of 9/11.  OK, so let’s send in some war ships, armed drones, and the marines to blast the shit out the place and punish those crazy and enraged Muslim terrorists so we can get our old fashion, Old Testament, Middle-Eastern sense of justice satisfied — revenge.  Is this song starting to sound old, people?  And wouldn’t you know it, Ambassador Stevens was the fair-haired man who loved Libya so much, he singlehandedly convinced Obama to bomb the crap out of the place so that tyrant, the crazy Colonel, would run like a rat from his hole and become fodder for the American supported terrorist (err… rebel) regime that would ultimately kill Kadaffi with our US weapons and support.  Maybe the same gang that killed Stevens.  What irony!

Turns out that Stevens himself was an undercover US operative, who was inserted into Libya onboard a Greek cargo ship during the recent revolution, and from Benghazi he directed the President to order US-led NATO airstrikes that «saved» the city.  The same way we saved Bhagdad, Kabul and Kandahar.  Yep, that’s the ticket.  May Mr. Stevens rest in peace; but if you are going to play with guns and gunmen, you always risk being a target.  Particularly if the gunmen are taking their practice on clowns and people dressed in clown suits.

If we don’t want people to be killed in Libya, then get the fuck out of that country and leave their people alone.  And while you are at it, you might want to hi-tail it out of Yemen, Egypt, and every other Muslim country where you have the nose of your rifle shoved up their arse!  Also, keep your eye on Tehran, looks like there may be an angry Ayatollah or two tossed in with the enraged Muslim mobs in Iran.  In fact, looks like the Arab Spring has turned into an American financed MENA PUSSY RIOT with ammo.  Must be those damn terrorists.  Don’t ya think.  Let’s just go ask John “Wayne” McCain. Why does this hegemony insist upon global takeover?  Well, we all know the answer to that.  Because we have to get all the resources and untapped markets and slave labor we can before time runs out on the big clock.  And he who dies with the most toys wins.  I really am getting tired of this song people.

116 Responses to It’s Not a Clusterfuck! It’s an American Pussy Riot!

  1. Ivy Mike says:

    Are you saying those secular judges in monty python costumes are just as silly as the holy trinity of abrahamic sky-god religions contending which child the voices in abraham’s head were whispering to him to kill?

    “Oh baby baby it’s a wild world!” ~Cat Stevens

  2. feelitoff says:

    Well, i do NOT really want to dwell on PR (i find it a wonderful abbreviation for Pussy Riot) and their “activity” cuz i think they wanted to get our attention and finally they got it (and did they really make us pay attention on what they wanted?)
    I do NOT share their policy of the ends that justify the means. At least they wanted some glory so why they moan that the price is too high? Watching all their “acts of protest” i see it as disgusting, lousy absurd delinquent inappropriate deeds of stupid cunts.
    I do NOT support the official position of Russian Orthodox Church cuz they do NOT act like what JC said once about forgiveness and stuff.
    I am NOT satisfied with the sentence they got cuz I do NOT think our penitentiary system is still able to change people by setting them with other killing-raping-convicts in a big violent aggressive atmosphere of eternal physical and mental crush.
    The game which is now being played has its hidden rules I personally do NOT know, and that is why i doubt i can win it. We are all doomed to win cuz it’s NOT us who set the rules.
    P.S. Sorry for so many many many NOTs.

  3. feelitoff says:

    About Justice System nobody said it better than Corporate Avenger:
    – Justice system. Is there justice in the system? Or is it just us in the system??

  4. Malthus says:

    “What a bag of shit!” You got that right. A huge bag of shit. One that you can smell from Russia. And we have been turned into nothing but cosmic apparatuses for turning food into shit. It permeates us. It has taken over our brains. Shit for brains. It fits. Good one Sandy.

  5. kulturcritic says:


  6. Disaffected says:

    Well, it was ol’ Karl himself who first coined the phrase, “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce.” I guess it’s safe to say our tragic days are all behind us now (hmm… Kennedy, Bay of Pigs, LBJ, Vietnam and all the rest of the sixties; Nixon and Watergate; or Reagan and “Mourning in America?”), and that we’re safely and firmly ensconced in the farcical stage.

    I can honestly say that this will be my first truly politics-free election year since 1980. Leave it to ol’ Barry WhatsHisName to finally break me of that habit. The sun has finally set on the American “democracy,” and with it, soon to be the empire as well. Oh yeah, we’ll continue to puff ourselves up in faux indignant patriotic outrage at all the “evil injustices” around the world (even as it will have been the “democratically elected” US government that actually perpetrated almost all of them), and we’ll DAMN SURE throw the “might” of the self-proclaimed “Greatest Military Juggernaut the World Has Ever Known” at every little brush fire out there (all the better to line the pockets of the MIC, ensure profits for the Global Oil Industry, and ensure access to those same energy supplies to fuel what remains of the rapacious and blatantly fascist Global Industrial Financial System (aka, House of Cards)), but like a marriage that’s simply gone on too long, all the fun seems to have gone out of it. The masses the world over have now been successfully subdued, and both they and their corporate masters know it full well. There’s simply no mystery left to the dance. It’s all a matter of going through the motions now. The thrill is gone.

  7. Mike Sosebee says:

    Barry is already telling the world that revenge is coming to terrorists where ever they are. He’s actually not kidding. 30 years ago the U.S. military had perhaps 5 or 6 thousand special forces troops world-wide and they were poorly funded after Carter worked to repeatedly strip military budgets. I know this because I was involved with Special Forces (78′-81′) at the time. Today the U.S. military has more than 60.000 highly trained assassins on active duty. This doesn’t include CIA paramilitary units or private mercenaries.

    The Germans were powerful but they had powerful antagonists. The U.S. today has no powerful antagonists. For the for-seeable future the U.S. will play spoiler where they can’t have their own way. Mitt Romney was whipping up the crowd with chants of U-S-A-U-S-A as he talked about the need for a military “so powerful” that it can “never be challenged”.

    O wonder!
    How many goodly creatures are there here!
    How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,
    That has such people in’t. Shakespeare “The Tempest”

    • Disaffected says:

      The U.S. will prove to be it’s own most powerful antagonist in the end. Having driven the Native American empire before it down a disgraceful Trail of Tears, who will cry for the new American global empire as it suffers its final inglorious and ignominious collapse as well? Certainly not the earth it vaingloriously tried to trample and subdue for mere profit, nor the peoples (including it’s own) it vanquished, impoverished, and/or slaughtered all in the name of “freedom and democracy.” The final reckoning ain’t gonna be pretty, and in the words of the famous Ray Bradbury novel, Something Wicked [Indeed!] This Way Comes.

  8. Morocco Bama says:

    Oligarchs with Nuclear Warheads…..that’s one permutation of collapse. What do you do with all those Nuclear Weapons? Donate them to Goodwill? Sell them to the highest bidder? Gates and Adelson and Soros and the Koch Bros and Roman Abramovich, just to name a few, can have their own personal arsenals. It will be fun.

    • Disaffected says:

      Good question. Funny that “Oppy,” whom I referenced last week, and who was pretty much “THE guy” when it came to developing the first workable bomb, asked those same questions pretty much right from the start. For his efforts he got stripped of his clearance, labeled a traitor, un-American, and the boogey man of all boogey men, a communist and a red. Americans, for all their bullshit talk of freedom, are pretty much natural born Nazis at heart (probably why Hitler was and remains such an existential terror – HIS WAS OUR FUTURE!). We love to rally around the flag, since it saves us from rallying around an honest to god original thought, which some of is might still occasionally have if we’d just turn off the goddamn TV, and the CrackBerry, and dare I say it, even the goddamn internet once in a while, in the few remaining hours those of us “lucky enough” to have a job have left over.

      Yeah, our industrial animal slaughter routines didn’t fall far from the tree. Lambs and cattle going down the chute for slaughter is as apt a metaphor as any for the predicament “we the people” find ourselves in today. That pretty well explains why the two venerable “candidates” find themselves in such a pickle trying to drum up support for an “election” that no one much gives a fuck about. They’ve gone to the well a few times too often, and a formerly passive but still mildly attentive population no longer finds it to be worth the effort to even pretend to give a shit. We’re running on autopilot now. Trouble is the flight control computer is programmed for self-destruction. In the end, it’s not the fall that hurts. It’s that damn sudden impact “landing” at the end.

      • derekthered says:

        it’s the eagles
        Romans? eagles
        Nazi’s ? eagles
        US of A? ditto.

        • Disaffected says:

          Good observation. Machismo, “strength through vigilance,” and all that hooey.

        • Morocco Bama says:

          The USA should have had two birds. The Eagle for the sadistic Plutocrats, and the Turkey for the rest. And pretty soon it will be time for the Turkey Shoot.

          • Disaffected says:

            Or how about the Chicken (proud warrior that!), and the shit (the rest of us). Borrows from the Chicken Hawk metaphor the neo-cons embraced under Bush II, and which the neo-libs/progressives quickly shit themselves improving upon under Barry Oh Bummer. Monkey see, monkey do. And THIS is what millions of years of evolution have led us to?

      • Morocco Bama says:

        I’m writing in my own candidate, and I think it will do a better job.

        And when it’s served its term, we can make Baba Ghanouj out of it….and I love Baba Ghanouj.

        • Disaffected says:

          Kinda like the old saw about monkeys throwing darts at a stock chart (A Random Walk Down Wall Street for you academic types), it couldn’t possibly do any worse, could it?

          On an altogether more upbeat note, up here in the land of the home of the atomic bomb the weather’s finally turned. Fall always announces her presence suddenly in these parts, and after a characteristically hot and dry summer, she has once again graced us cold loving northern people the past few days. I’m looking forward to a pair of 6-8 hour excursions that will take me from 7200′ up to 9500′ or so and back again over the next two days, and with them the release that comes from briefly escaping living within (and benefiting from) the belly of the American Empirical Corporate Beast. Yes, I’m not without appreciation for my corporate benefactors, even as I know that they (and indeed I!) are the root source of just about ALL of the problems the world faces today. Philosophy majors help me out here. I KNOW that some of the major philosophical tomes of our time have addressed my/our current situation (CERTAINLY Nietzsche had a thing or two to say in this regard), but I’m at a loss just now.

          For now, it’s enough to merely luxuriate in the moment, that after all, took me a mere LIFETIME of 54 plus years to arrive at, and fucking TRULY ENJOY IT! And in the end, if that’s all any of us are permitted in our short time of consciousness in this sometimes pitiful realm, wouldn’t THAT ALONE be worth it? I’m answering a resounding “YES!” for now. I’ll let you all know if I change my mind.

          • kulturcritic says:

            Actually – I think Dostoyevsky probably reflects better on the problem you are struggling with, my friend DA. I cannot find my dog-eared copy of Notes from Underground right now, but as the main character says clearly.: “I am a sick, sick man, a very sick man!”

        • kulturcritic says:

          OK, if you say so, who am I to disagree.

      • kulturcritic says:

        True DA; no NEW thoughts aloud. We are and always have been right! LOL

      • Malthus says:

        “Americans, for all their bullshit talk of freedom, are pretty much natural born Nazis at heart.” That one sentence says it all. Really good one DA

        • Ivy Mike says:

          Bullshit talk of freedom, indeed! Even—nay, especially!— the self-styled “Libertarians” are Right Wing Authoritarian (Altemeyer, 2004) goons, as genuine as Freedom Fries. Hey, just put the marketing word “free” onto market, it’ll sell in a nation where the majority believe freedom in Christ was gained by necessarily torturing and murdering a virgin god-man.

          “We libertarians do not oppose hierarchy or command or authority…” ~Stephan Kinsella

          “It cannot be denied that Fascism…has for the moment saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history.” ~Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism

          “Cops must be unleashed, and allowed to administer instant punishment…unleash the cops to clear the streets of bums and vagrants. Where will they go? Who cares?” ~Murray Rothbard

    • Ivy Mike says:

      What do we hairless great apes do with all the nuclear weapons? Use them. There is zero chance of avoiding a global thermonuclear war over dwindling resources.

      “Bravo Niner Tango Oscar Foxtrot, standby. Bravo Niner Tango Oscar Foxtrot, standby. Bravo Niner Tango Oscar Foxtrot, standby; message follows: Bravo Niner Tango Oscar Foxtrot, Two India Mike Charlie Kilo Seven Three Gulf Whiskey Papa Papa X-Ray Delta Three Sierra Echo Hotel Oscar Niner Seven” ~an EAM just overheard on 8992.0 kHz

    • kulturcritic says:

      Never quite thought of it that way, MB

  9. derekthered says:

    from what i can gather pussy riot staged their demonstration during a church service, so it would seem that trespassing or disorderly conduct charges would be in order, maybe a fine, 30 days in the hole, but two years? don’t think so.

  10. derekthered says:

    help us obi-wan, you’re our only hope.
    here we go again, is this what they mean by the triune god? yahweh, jesus, and allah? just what we need, sybil in the sky. i’m confused.
    of the three i would cut the most slack to the christians, at least their hero said to turn the other cheek, die to self, that sort of thing. now, the other two? there really are choice passages about smiting and killing, infidels, chopping off of hands, bit kinky for me, i don’t even have a tattoo. that’s how much of an old fogey i am. if i were to get a tat it would be a dragon, like lisbeth, or the mythical king arthur, an ouroboros sort of thing.

    i just simply can’t condone anybody getting so upset about some perceived insult to their religion that they would shoot somebody over it, but then that’s never what it is really about, is it? usually said creed is just the excuse. i cannot however hold to the view that these various religions be depicted as something they aren’t, gilding the lily so to speak, i have read some of all these holy books and they do have violent messianic language in them, in my view this is the plain truth, notice how e must a;ways parse the language, “in my view”, “so to speak”, wouldn’t want to get detained for some sort of thought crime, excuse me, “hate crime”. don’t pay any attention to me, i’m just a godless commie, the kind your mommy told you about.

    the USA has no responsibility other than to protect our shipping on the high seas, we have over 700 foreign bases, we need to close just about every one of them. we are not responsible for what goes on in these other countries, the only reason we are in about 9/10ths of them is to protect american “interests”, which means prop up whatever puppet govt. the multi-national corps. find most accommodating.

  11. Disaffected says:

    the USA has no responsibility other than to protect our shipping on the high seas

    Wow! Caught ya in a rather decidedly 19th century thought there dtr, although the USN would probably beg to differ. The USA has no “responsibility” other than what it cares to define, loosely to allow it’s citizens to pursue “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” and all that other bullshit that we’ve long since forsaken in the pursuit of global empire. Therein lies the rub.

    A reminder, Obi-Wan Obama is also a very intelligent, presumably very wise, Harvard educated, constitutional law “expert,” if such a thing actually exists in nature. Experts, law, and “very wise” normally being mutually exclusive terms.

    I guess what I mean to say is that our need for “national defense” is probably a lot less even than what you insinuate here. Although, anyone who’s merely paying attention should by now clearly realize the PRIMARY purpose of the US National Security apparatus is merely to serve as 1.) A corporate welfare program for the parasitic MIC, and 2.) A social welfare program for the working class poor, which has the additional benefit of not being attributable as government “largess” to the “undeserving.” What’s not to love?

    And YES! I’m retired US Military – ENLISTED AT THAT! EVEN I am not too stupid to see whats going on here!

    • derekthered says:

      i had a brief and undistinguished military career, and i have nothing but admiration for the people i served with, i was treated fairly by everyone i came in contact with, best bunch of guys (mostly) i had the honor to be associated with; officers included. too bad modern war is something i cannot participate in, just don’t believe in it, i may have been good at it. and yes, i know how that sounds, but i am intensely patriotic, it hurt me inside to walk away (with the permission of the USAF) from service, it still does.

      but look at the situation, we don’t declare war, we just blunder about, we’ve done it since TR, for a hundred years. history is complicated, you can’t just say this happened because of that, causes and consequences are hard to determine, there are all sorts of what ifs. the big chief (or cheese if you prefer) thought he could pull a slick willie and get away with a bombing campaign, hit and run, where’s chalmers johnson when you need him?

      i don’t want to get into the religious thing, people make it into what they want, and do insane shit using that justification. now, for the atheist? it’s not easy facing the world head on, fear of death, all that, whatever german word, which meshes quite well with the 4 noble truths, zat what you call’em? but you can fool yourself all you want, you’re never gonna put it out of your mind, it’s only natural; which leads us to the allure of fanatical faith, but it doesn’t really work for them, what leads to their anger, same as anybody. best i can figure. i would just say that the fish swim in the sea.

      now, the coolest prayer, closest to what i could believe?

      Oh, Great Spirit,
      whose voice I hear in the winds
      and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me.
      I am small and weak.
      I need your strength and wisdom.

      Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes
      ever behold the red and purple sunset.
      Make my hands respect the things you have made
      and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
      Make me wise so that I may understand
      the things you have taught my people.
      Let me learn the lessons you have hidden
      in every leaf and rock.

      I seek strength, not to be superior to my brother,
      but to fight my greatest enemy – myself.
      Make me always ready to come to you
      with clean hands and straight eyes,
      so when life fades, as the fading sunset,
      my spirit will come to you
      without shame.

      wish i could really believe it, that’s the good stuff. it’s the jumping out of cornstalks part i have trouble with, same with the re-incarnation, karma, all of it, it’s a tough row to hoe for the true red.

      • Disaffected says:

        OK, I admit it, I’m simply dumb. HOW in the hell to you post embedded links to this site? I used to do it effortlessly, and now I can’t. I’m suddenly retarded.

      • Disaffected says:


        If I may, you impress me as a young guy, still “figuring it out” in some respects. I have no problem with that whatsoever. Indeed, I’d like to address you as a “younger me” for a moment if you will, as you seem to be of a very similar mindset. Please don’t take offense and just take it for what it’s worth if any of it offends you.

        You’re already on the right track. Don’t bow down to authority WHATSOEVER unless you TRULY believe in it, and even then, THINK TWICE!

        EXCEPTIONALISM among nations, ideologies, and/or peoples is a ALWAYS a myth! NEVER SUBSCRIBE to it!

        Who you are now is not who you eventually will be. Remember that now. Rest assured, YOU WILL later!


      • kulturcritic says:

        Awesome piece by JT; why derektheRED, for such a patriot?

        • derekthered says:

          Dashiell Hammett was a Socialist, and he served in two world wars, didn’t stop them from blacklisting and imprisoning him

          one could argue that socialists are cut out for patriotism, doesn’t the person who wants to reform the system, in a way, believe in the system just as much as the reactionaries? just in reverse?

          why socialism? because you can just look around and see how the system screws the working class, because the Marxist critique is correct, because i love my country. here’s the rub, just as i can’t believe in wars between nations, because the numbers of people preclude understanding, the complexity hides the truth, people who don’t know each other from Adam killing each other, it makes no sense.

          don’t look to me for purity of thought, here is what i do think, before the US or any country commits any troops to combat (except to respond to direct attacks) Congress should issue a Declaration of War, it is technically required by law, it involves the whole country, and it takes these decisions out of the hands of one man. the War Powers Act is a cop out. now, we see what has happened with our emperors actions in Libya, as you said,
          ” but if you are going to play with guns and gunmen, you always risk being a target.”
          does it ever occur to any of these yahoos up in Washington that people like Qaddafi and Hussein were brutal bastards because they lived in a rough neighborhood? nah, this is getting ridiculous, they are all of them just a bunch of power hungry jerks.

          i give up, the same problem i have with modern mass civilizations applies to politics, i am not sure anything can be reformed, economies, countries, political systems, nothing. the only person i have any control over is myself, and that may be a delusion, or tenuous at best.

  12. Morocco Bama says:

    Hey, I like beers as much as the next guy and gal. How about next Saturday we all meet in Moscow, and I’ll bring the beer, chainsaw and cross. You know what they say, “build it, and they will come.”

    • Disaffected says:

      Now THAT sounds like a funky adventure! I’ll put it on the VISA and worry about the bill later. We’ll worry about the local hikes later as well.

    • Disaffected says:

      BACK in the USSR baby!

    • kulturcritic says:

      I’ll be there!! But who are “they?”

      • Morocco Bama says:

        We can make the “they” a fill in the blank, or we can just call the “they”, “the hordes.”

        Several men today in a park in Moscow ERECTED a giant wooden cross and tragically placed several fully-gassed chainsaws within the cross’s proximity. As they relaxed into their respective park benches enjoying some ice-cold St. Pauli Girls,

        an unarmed band of bare-breasted, militant, yet quite nubile, female activists made their way to the newly implanted cross like Hyaenas attracted to a rotting Rhino carcass.

        The men who had planted the cross, like hunters who deposit seed corn for deer to gather before shooting them, were mostly lonely, middle-aged, low-testosterone, soft-in-the-middle sots looking for some long-lost touch, and they figured, in these end times, this was as good a thing as any, because desperate times call for ridiculous measures.

        When asked what the men were prepared to do as this unfolding spectacle approached its CLIMAX, the men retorted, FEELITOFF. And for that, each was given fifty years to life, and the nubile, female militants rejected the chainsaws, and instead carved the cross into the shape of a serpent devouring itself, but not before bloodying the pathetic, middle-aged men and confiscating their beers, thus lending credence to that old adage, “even the best LAID plans…….” You know the rest. Amen.

      • Morocco Bama says:

        As an addendum to our story about the bare-breasted cross, some of our readers expressed interest in the ultimate fate of the chainsaws. Our investigation has revealed that the chainsaws were confiscated by the state and subsequently donated to the Russian Orthodox Church…actually hand-delivered by Putin himself, with matching funds equaling the retail value of the chainsaws, thus underscoring Mr. Putin’s most generous nature.

        The chainsaws were eventually auctioned off to the highest bidders resulting in a windfall of cash for the Church. Insiders have reported that the funds will be used to purchase new underwear for the Alter Boys. The priests have recently shown a desire to see their young, pubescent charges adorned in the latest fashion statement, boxer-briefs.

        With the remainder of the raised funds, the priests purchased muscle-relaxers and Scotch, thus completing the Holy Trinity of ecstasy….proving, once again, that all stories have a happy ending.

  13. javacat says:

    Oh, great. Now I have an image of a g-string clad Mitt Romney draped around a seamy pole with oglers fighting to tuck bucks in his belt. If I have nightmares tonight, Sandy, it’s your fault. 😉

    From the Atlantic’s In Focus: Muslim Protests Spread Around the World ( What’s undeniable: The rage toward the US so powerfully released, the desire for destruction so clear. The other is the irony of soldiers in these countries called out to protect the the US embassies.

    These images, the videos, the stories, are selected for their drama, and to tell the story we want to hear–that narrative is already set. That so photos credit the eruption of violence to a protest against a badly made film by an unknown seems flimsy. When Salman Rushdie wrote The Satanic Verses, he alone received the fatwa, not the entire country. The film is just too easy a distraction.

    What’s the real goal, with the election near?

  14. robindatta says:


  15. derekthered says:

    hey no worries mate!
    “Chance the Gardener: Yes. In the garden, growth has it seasons. First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. And then we get spring and summer again.”
    Arab Winter? Unrest sparks debate on U.S. policy
    so, there you see, it’s all good, just a circulation of events, probably just all part of a viral marketing campaign, soon to be a made for teevee movie.

  16. kulturcritic says:

    So, I just went to a website called firstrowtv, to try and see an NFL game online for free (just because I wanted to), and I received the following notice: “This site has been seized by ICE – Homeland Security Investigations.” Well, I imagine we are no longer the land of the free, as advertised. Wonder how that Arab Winter will be treating us??

    • Morocco Bama says:

      Sandy, you mean you can still watch that spectacle? I can’t do it with a clear conscience, and in fact, since I’ve stepped away from it nearly ten years prior, it no longer appeals to me in any way. I finally see it through the lens my wife has always seen it……an idiotic spectacle that only helps to perpetuate this endless nightmare we call Civilization.

      • kulturcritic says:

        Ahhh! But sometimes, when you are 10,000 miles away from it all, a bug just crawls up your ass, and you see if you can tune it in! Just because!!

      • kulturcritic says:

        Anyway MB, we are all participating all the time in this spectacle. Unless you are in the bush with no computer, lights, indoor plumbing, bank account, car, TV, AC, water heater, house pet….

        • Morocco Bama says:

          My comment was not an afront to you, Sandy, so you don’t have to get defensive. Yes, in order to survive in this System, you must feed it to a certain extent, but there are matters of degree. Feeding one self, or taking one’s thyroid medication are examples of cooperating with the System in order to survive, but they are distinguishable from watching an NFL football game, which is voluntary, and not necessary for survival within this System.

          • kulturcritic says:

            MB – I was not getting defensive… but you seem to have a problem letting it go. So feel free to continue this spectacle, and let me know when you are done. with warm wishes, sandy

            • Morocco Bama says:

              Sure thing, Sandy, I’ll let this topic go…since you appear to be sensitive about it. I just find it ironic that someone like yourself who engages in some of the deep topics you do here at your blog, could still be drawn to watch NFL football. It makes me laugh. Many things make me laugh…especially these days…and that’s one of them. And I disagree….it’s never “just because.”

              • kulturcritic says:

                So, you can’t let it go, can you. OK, so let’s talk about it. I can spend the whole week on this perversity and forget about doing a post for friday. We are all part of this thing. Just because we think deeply about it, or realize what it is, does not mean we can escape all the attachments and distractions. However, NFL is not even a distraction for me any more. Yet, the addiction of spectacle is hard to break, even when you know it is silly or harmful. Not that I am addicted anymore. Although, when I was in the heart of the business world, as an executive consultant working with CEO’s around the USA, I had to understand and enjoy football without a doubt. And I did, but, for the most part I identified with the home team, the Denver Broncos… forever the underdogs. Occasionally, when it hits me, I might try to see what they are doing. And I still have many friends back in the USA who are completely entranced by the deal, so I also like to communicate with them on issues important to them; in fact, it helps them listen to things I want to say about life, as well. Some people call it salesmanship, others, active listening, open communication, sympathy, empathy, friendship, etc. I will never try to justify anything I do: I do what I do, and I make very few apologies. Only when I hurt someone undeservedly. You see, even I can engage in revenge at times (imagine). I have said it before, and I will say it again; we cannot simply and completely divorce ourselves from the indoctrination of millennia, or even of five decades. Indeed, there are many things I enjoy that would have you judge me as contemptible. But, I am not here for your approval or rejection. I am just a man, a simple man with some complex needs. I laugh at myself as well; so why shouldn’t you laugh with me. And just make sure you can laugh at yourself; that is the mark of a real warrior. With much love, Morocco Bama, sandy

              • kulturcritic says:

                BTW – your appeal to ‘conscience’ concerns me. Why should your conscience bother you watching football or not; reading my blog or not; drinking spirits or not… In general, these activities hurt no one, but yourself.

  17. Morocco Bama says:

    I can spend the whole week on this perversity and forget about doing a post for friday.

    This perversity? What in thee hell is that supposed to even mean? Perversity? Do you have your terms right? So, anything that distracts you from what you consider to be your “work” is in some way a “perversity” and anyone bringing this “perversity” to your doorstep is, by definition, a “pervert”? Seriously? And, to add further insult to injury, this dismissive “perversity” label is leveled in a thread entitled “It’s Not a Clusterfuck! It’s an American Pussy Riot!.” Jesus H. Christ!!! Larry David can’t write better satire than that. Are you meaning to be humorous, because if you are, it’s the driest version I’ve ever encountered, so I will give credit due, where it’s due?

    But please, don’t let me keep you from your “work”, if by “work” you mean getting another post up about the clowns to the left of us and the jokers to the right, all the while taking completely justifiable breaks in between to watch the clowns and jokers fondle each other whilst running around and chasing a pigskin. No, that’s not perversity, by any means, nosireebob. It’s perfectly normal for former slaves to serve as entertainers on the new plantation where now they’re allowed much larger slave quarters and Lamborghinis. It’s not perverse to revel in a sport that has so thoroughly neutered and paralyzed a male population that they are mere shadows of their former primitive selves.

    Jesus, to call criticizing NFL Football a perversion is beyond the pale, and the height of defensiveness. What ever happened to good, old-fashioned perversion like the following, before the Real McCoys got conflated with what you call a “perversity”?

    • kulturcritic says:

      MB – you really need to take a drink of vodka now and again, just to let the steam go out of your tightly-wound system.

      • Morocco Bama says:

        I do, but I’ve got the steam of a 17 yr. old, even though I’m 48.

        I prefer this vodka. I’ll put it up against a Russian vodka any time.

        • kulturcritic says:

          MB – So you have a preference among vodkas; that is a stunning admission. I will drink anything some babushka or dedushka will place in front of me. It all works.

          I am going to be 60, and I have been through 4 open-heart surgeries (congenital not life style); so I guess you can blame me as well for voluntarily accepting the benefits of modern medicine. I could have just said no thanks, and died. Perhaps then you wouldn’t be getting so exercised right now. LOL

        • Ivy Mike says:

          Alcohol is the root of all football. And war.

          For all have sinned and fallen short of our pre-Neolithic genetic heritage to which we were perfectly adapted by Mother Evolution.

          • kulturcritic says:

            Thank god, you are here to give support, Ivy Mike!! best, sandy

          • kulturcritic says:

            Beer was a product of agriculture. But, altered states of consciousness were had in many other ways. Ask the shamans of S America

            • Ivy Mike says:

              It’s true paleolithic had altered states of consciousness before Addiction Society, but in terms of net benefits to individuals and society, I think alcohol calculates negative on a cost:benefit analysis. Krokodil (крокодил) certainly does. Ayahuasca is probably positive. Mary Jane is likely so, especially considering our brains’ own cannabinoid receptors.

              I look at alcohol like cars. Euphoric at first, but in the end accounting, dysphoric.

              University of Manitoba energy historian Vaclav Smil … calculated the real convenience of car ownership by taking into account the actual time the average person spends on the purchase, maintenance, repairs, sitting in traffic jams, paying traffic tickets and the like. By dividing the number of kilometres a year driven by the numbers of hours spent in car-related activity, Smil found that the reward for all that effort and expense amounted to about five kilometres an hour, somewhat slower than the average medieval peasant could walk.

              Smil’s recent figures are even more depressing than Ivan Illich’s calculations from the 70’s, when he wrote, “The model American male devotes more than 1600 hours a year to his car…to get 7500 miles: less than five miles per hour.”

              In the end, cars—and alcohol, political power, nuclear weapons, pornography, hierarchy, iJunk, all the addictions of State society (civilization) itself—are just spinning our wheels. Especially considering the hidden cardiac costs (here, here, and here) you (and I too) have experienced.

              But even so, you stop by and we’ll have a drink in the library together and take a spin in the pick’em’up truck to show you what farming in hell looks like around here. Well, maybe we should do that the other way around, unless you want to really defy authority! LOL!

  18. Morocco Bama says:

    BTW – your appeal to ‘conscience’ concerns me. Why should your conscience bother you watching football or not; reading my blog or not; drinking spirits or not… In general, these activities hurt no one, but yourself.

    If you’re not clever enough to think up a lengthy analysis on how watching NFL Football hurts everyone, and how, then I have uncharacteristically overestimated your abilities.

  19. Morocco Bama says:

    I will never try to justify anything I do: I do what I do, and I make very few apologies.

    Same goes for the Jokers and the Clowns. They don’t have to justify their behavior…and don’t…and they make no apologies. So, what do you do? Join them, of course. It’s the only logical thing to do when you have complex needs and a simple mind.

  20. kulturcritic says:

    I see you enjoy hurling insults. You do it well. Be proud of your accomplishments. And your intolerance is incredible.

    • bmiller says:

      Wow! What an unusual exchange for these pages. Surely we have more important things to discuss. To MB put things in context: you are a guest in Sandy’s house and should behave as such. Sandy, if you punch the tar baby expect to get stuck.

      • kulturcritic says:

        Yes, Brian, I got stuck… sometimes shit happens, even among those of us who are semi-conscious. I apologize to all of you for dragging myself into such a ludicrous dialogue. sandy

        • Ivy Mike says:

          No need to apologize, such is a typical inter-human behavior in a crowded of mass society zoo that totally ignores neocortex size as a constraint on group size in primates.

          And I’d wager a small amount of my Courvoisier that there was some alcohol coursing through his or (and?) your amygdala—the almond-shaped epicenter of emotional processing located deep in the brain. I quit getting on the internet with alcohol, using a program called Self-Control.

          For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of [the human animal’s genetic potential as adapted by Mother Evolution.] ~Romans 3:23 [fixed]

          “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.” So said some long-haired Greek cynic sage and Buddhist missionary in the Levant before Paul turned him into a pagan rising-dying solar deity, as quoted in verse 11 in chapter 8 of The Jefferson Bible.

          • kulturcritic says:

            THanks, Ivy Mike… love the references… I must brush up on my Greek and Aramaic! But, you know that Paul had his own issues… mostly with the flesh, of course. Gawd knows what retrograde effects this had on the religion, facing us up to the sky, the transcendent one, and away from the earth, the dirt, dust and flesh of our bodies.

  21. derekthered says:

    yeah, so this morning i hear on the news that some minister of some country proposes that disrespecting a “divine” religion be covered under international treaty as a hate crime, righty right then, who is to decide what religion is divine?
    christ, this insistence that one have the answer, more of that linear thinking.
    great, so i am starting a new church, the church of the red, it’s divine, it’s revealed truth, just send your tax deductible donations, check or money order…………………
    to derekthered, you will be blessed in this life and beyond.
    you know what? i can have my own opinion, i don’t need anybody’s approval. know what else?
    it all depends on the size of your steeple.

    • kulturcritic says:

      Absolutely… death by crucifixion for anyone fucking with the lord

      • derekthered says:

        being a typical american i am far too narcissistic to actually care about other peoples religions, but here’s the deal, we all know about the Inquisition, followed a link from a poster here and found out some pretty nasty stuff about Constantine (lots of good links from posters here), we have seen the effects of various religions thru the ages. why then is criticism of Islam verboten?
        but enough about me, what about me?
        of course i about halfway agree with the criticism of science as a new religion, we should always question not just our conclusions, but our premises as well.
        and oh yes, as far as having a grasp on reality, and control over ones life? perhaps we would all be better off if we realized how tenuous our mental imaginings really are.
        but enough about me, what about me?

  22. Jack Cady says:

    You’re being awfully hard your fellow countrymen. You should know from experience that we love the smell of shit here in America. That’s why we go to such heroic lengths to keep our heads up our own asses. If you’ve lost sight of that little American tendency I suggest that you queue up for televangelist Ernest Angeley’s newest offering If nothing else it should be a nostalgia laden trip down memory lane. In place of Muslims just pencil in Russians & you’ll be reliving the grand old days of 1980s WashingtonWood when Ronnie Reagan was king of the White House cinema.

    Seriously though, I tired of it 20+ years ago. You know what? That didn’t matter in the least. It still kept on sliding downhill. On the bright side, I’m sure there’s another band of idiots poised to kick start themselves into “empire mode” once the US implodes. I’m equally sure that they’ll be equally adept at fucking shit up all over again.

    • kulturcritic says:

      Jack – I gotta tell you (and I am not being a smartass), I really love your facility with the language. A man after my own heart. And there are always another set of clowns ready to take over the wheelhouse, not matter if its Amerika, Russia, Egypt, Libya, or Somalia. Just ask Berlusconi in Italy. They are lined-up awaiting the chance to launch their own private hell.

  23. Jack Cady says:

    Thanks (I’m not being a smart ass either).

    Although, my ass is really smart. I trained it to get its own toilet paper. I’m currently trying to entice it into sucking other American’s heads into its dark recesses, thereby allowing my head a little well deserved R&R while simultaneously expanding the fecal horizons of my fellow Americans. I consider it my patriotic duty. I may even get some red white & blue undies to show everyone I’m serious. Then Bill O’Reilly can interview my ass. Maybe Hannity will even tell every one of his listeners that my ass is a “Great American.”

    Since I see this as a strictly non-partisan endeavor I hope to attract Democrats by using a vague marketing campaign that will center around a positive, yet utterly vacuous slogan. Something like:

    You better HOPE I CHANGE my underwear regularly.

    I know, it’s pretty weak.
    I’m working on it.

    In the end (sorry) I hope to parlay all of this new found rectal notoriety into an endorsement deal with Subway.

    I’m envisioning a scenario with Jared, the Subway diet guy, smiling gleefully as my ass swallows a foot long Subway sandwich. Shit, just that image alone should cause 39% of the heads in America to explode upon a single viewing.

    Oh my God, does this make me a terrorist?

  24. feelitoff says:

    Excellent! The post started with asses ends with asses. hehe =)

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