09.05.13 – Victory Day Russia (День Победы)


May 9, 2013… The weather is perfect after a miserable two weeks of cold spring wind and rain here in Altai Krai.  It is a balmy 26o C  (low 80s F) sun high in the sky, with not a serious gust of wind anywhere to be felt.  It is Victory Day across Russia.  The successful end to the “Great Patriotic War.”  Russia overtook the Nazi offensive, walked into Berlin, and Russian freedom from German tyranny was fetched from the hands of defeat with the signing of the peace accord.  Big celebration today.  Barnaul is alive with pedestrian traffic, sharing in the merrymaking around the main square at the intersection of Socialisticheskii and Dimitrova streets.  Children are thanking old grandfathers for their heroic war-labors as they stroll about town dressed in hard won and stale but cherished medals; remnants of an earlier empire.  The declination of imperial design.  The leftovers of conquistadorial aspirations.  The decadence of civilized greatness and hegemonic ambition. We really are living through The End of History!

The interesting thing about the emergent culture that I see on display here in Russia, and specifically in Siberia, is that it is all about the show, the spectacle!  Appearance, affect and effect – these are what matter most.  But perhaps it is indicative of the end of history through which we are now living.  After all, there is not much sense in doing anything substantive at this juncture anyway; just create the appearance of something being done or having been done.

Certainly, the American Congress understands that concept well.  Lots of chest-pounding and the appearance of decisiveness; but really nothing of substance done that means anything… just keep the ship on course until we see the size of the iceberg coming at us.  It seems the only thing the American political class is good at doing is head-faking the American people. The honorable Premier Obama continues to payback his creditors and cronies with appointments and political favors – like handing out balloons to toddlers, while he himself still remains deeply indebted (or is that indentured) to the biggest of his backers.  Meanwhile, our political-military-security-industrial complex continues to squeeze the public under the guise of providing protection from global bogeymen, just like the Chicago mafia extracting payola for “protecting” the local grocer from their own hired thugs.  Call that ‘win-win’!

As Chris Hedges points out this week in his column, it is a similar situation with Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, and Wikileaks generally.  They (The Security State) cannot possibly stop their pursuit of these people because their very presence threatens to blow the lid right off the cover stories of all the scams and other bullshit we are being asked to swallow by various officially sanctioned (i.e., paid for) media outlets and wonks.  And so a simulacrum of truth does the job, it obviates the public’s need to know; they believe they already have the truth!  In fact the search for truth becomes exposed, shown to be precisely what it usually is when dished out by professionals – a scam of the intellectual, expert, and policymaking elite slicing, dicing and selectively manipulating bits of data to create cogent illusions for public consumption.  And as the public sits back in their soft armchairs and consumes this tripe, the real stuff is quietly getting cooked behind the scenes, as we continue sleepwalking to the bitter end.

Here in Barnaul things are not much different.  People are wandering as if in a fog – the fog of new acquisitiveness, enjoying the myriad spectacles, and playing their bit parts, while ‘the powers that be’ continue casting shadows on the screen, images of a present that make it appear larger than life, and the promise of a future that really can never be.  But the pedestrian class (including and especially those who consider themselves the motoring public) goes on spending money it has-not, building-up debt, accumulating the nice new toys of capitalist success.  But, no cares, no worries: just buy, buy, buy, and then, show and tell time.

Meanwhile the rock music blares behind me, as the band plays on, the crowds energy and anxiety feverishly growing, anticipating the gargantuan firework display sure to come after dark. But, how can we expect anything less. Indeed, like most of my compatriots either here or across the Atlantic, I too am still entranced at times by the spectacle, by the lure of a flashy new smart-phone or a stylish fur-lined winter coat; engaged by the temptations of consumption, although no longer ‘conspicuously’ so, as it remains for most of those here.

One final, but intriguing note. Oddly enough, you cannot buy any alcohol in Russia today – Victory Day.  The biggest day of celebration with the exception of New Year’s eve, and the buying of any mind-numbing spirits is strictly prohibited.  It is a holy-day after all, a day evidently dedicated to the sober contemplation of the gifts bestowed upon us by great men of courage and conviction. Courage that is perhaps an automatic response to the convincing psychopathy of everyday life in the civilized regimes and empires we inhabit and helped to build, carried upon our shoulders, one log or one brick at a time.

To quote the folk-masters of old: “When will they learn?  When will they ever learn?”

46 Responses to 09.05.13 – Victory Day Russia (День Победы)

  1. A poem “rendered” by Daniel Ladinsky

    An Insidious Idol
    by Meister Eckhart

    Commerce is supported by keeping the individual at odds
    with himself and others, by making us want more than we need, and
    offering credit to buy what refined senses do not want.

    the masses become shackled; I see how their eyes weep
    and are desperate-of course they feel desperate-for something,
    for some remedy

    that a poor soul then feels needs
    to be bought.

    I find nothing more offensive than a god
    who could condemn human instincts in us that time in all its wonder
    have made perfect.

    I find nothing more destructive to the well-being of life
    than to support a god that makes you feel unworthy and in debt to it.
    I imagine erecting churches to such a strange god will assure
    endless wars that commerce loves.

    A god that could frighten is not a god-but an insidious idol
    and weapon in the hands of
    the insane.

    A god who talks of sin is worshiped
    by the infirm;

    I was once spiritually ill-we all pass through that-
    but one day the intelligence
    in my soul

  2. derekthered says:

    you mentioning sleepwalking put me in mind of an old Joe Bageant essay.
    which reminds me of another.
    not trying to upstage ya or nothin, it’s just that

    The hologram ripples with the cry of a thrush…………..

    • Disaffected says:


      Joe was the DEFINITELY the man! Conflicted, as we all are, he just couldn’t quit his addiction to his homeland to the very end. In the end, we are born and bred into our current identities, and we simply can’t escape that, no matter how hard or long we try.


  3. vyselegendaire says:

    Sounds like a SPECTACuLar day in Russia 🙂

  4. Disaffected says:


    Too bad the US “won” the cold war. I think we’d have all been better off with the alternative. Although, we all know the story was much MORE complex than the current narrative. The USSR was always an ill-conceived attempt to counter nascent US hegemony in the immediate aftermath of WWII, with the QUITE legitimate paranoia of an expansionist Nazi Germany on it’s borders still ringing through its remaining ranks. One name: Harry Truman, rings out. TRULY a pivotal figure in history. A sissy boy from the American mid-west who arose to unprecedented historical power through the sheer vicissitudes of historical circumstance. HOW IRONIC that Bush 43, “The Shrub,” would adopt him as his historical “mentor” of sorts.


    • derekthered says:

      “Yes gentlemen, they are on their way in, and no one can bring them back. For the sake of our country, and our way of life, I suggest you get the rest of SAC in after them. Otherwise, we will be totally destroyed by Red retaliation. My boys will give you the best kind of start, 1400 megatons worth, and you sure as hell won’t stop them now, So let’s get going, there’s no other choice. God willing, we will prevail, in peace and freedom from fear, and in true health, through the purity and essence of our natural… fluids. God bless you all” – General Jack Ripper

      no Vodka? why that’s, that’s just Un-Russian, isn’t it? probably for the best, must take care of the old POE.

      i don’t know about this end of history, but it’s obvious old Uncle Sam is just barely creaking along, racking up a couple trillion of these monopoly dollars in debt per year, with the govt. in denial. latest news is that the debt limit can be put off due to increased tax receipts and the savings from the sequester, kind of puts the screws to the prevailing narrative.

      i have only read about the Great War, man, it must have been god-awful, but once the Nazi’s crossed that Rubicon and messed with the Bear, the die was pretty much cast, did they ever think they were going all the way to Vladivostok?

      • kulturcritic says:

        God knows what the idiot thought!

        • Disaffected says:

          To the contrary, I’ve always given Hitler credit as a somewhat simplistic precursor for all the ideas that are ascendant today. Granted, he didn’t have the advantages of all we’ve learned since about propaganda techniques and manipulation of the press through technological and other means, but poor ol’ Adolf was no doubt the guy who first brought it all together. By comparison, Stalin (no lightweight himself), was a mere ham-handed old-school authoritarian rube. Hitler actually had most of the west fooled well into the war, and the German people, much like the Imperial Right today, mostly worshipped the guy. His ultimate downfall was as an egotistical strategist, who committed the cardinal sin of imperial overreach (again, much like the Imperial Right of today). My feeling is that the US of today is merely the Third Reich gone global, and therein owes a debt of gratitude for all that it has learned in the interim.

          • derekthered says:

            it’s the eagles
            Romans, eagles
            Nazi’s, eagles
            America, eagles
            there are many who like to point out that there were many Americans who supported Hitler. von Braun as you probably know designed the V-2 rocket, and all the Allies couldn’t wait to get their hands on the German scientists.

            too close for comfort.

            • Disaffected says:

              EXCELLENT points all DtR. The Eagle as symbol for imperial power is undeniable. And of course from my USAF days, the F-15 Eagle was the state of the art air superiority fighter jet of its time, and given the current state of affairs in dysfunctional military procurements, maybe ever. And of course you know already if you’ve delved into the back story of WWII at all, the US and Britain were betting on (bankrolling) both sides pretty much equally up to the time that lil’ Adolf broke out of the sandbox and became an existential threat to “life, liberty, and capitalist happiness.” And then, what do you know? Mother Russia became OK again, for a time at least. And then, after they basically won the war for us, lil’ pussy/stooge Harry Truman came along to kick them to the curb again on the part of the newly anointed MIC, after which “Ike the Great” was anointed to consolidate the new dispensation. And we baby boomers like to think we are history’s great “change agents.” In fact, we’re merely the change that was foretold all those years ago, in the aftermath of an historical event that had itself been foretold by events before it. The more you know, the more you know.

              • derekthered says:

                the early history of the Soviet Union is instructional, the US actually occupied Vladivostok for a time after WW One, the US stamped out Socialism right quick in this country 100 years ago, once they saw what was going on overseas. the entire history of the 20th century could have been different, but it wasn’t, so here we are. not to gloss over the pogroms and such, that history is well known.

                • Disaffected says:

                  not to gloss over the pogroms… Nice usage! I’ll have to add that one to my vocabulary. Agreed. The more you study it, the more you realize that it was no mere historical accident that we’ve ended up where we’re at today. Very wealthy, very ambitious and far-sighted movers and shakers were very busy indeed ensuring that the interests of they and their descendants would be well taken care of. Gotta give credit where credit is due. And of course the same process is still underway today.

  5. Disaffected says:

    And so, on a lighter note, where should we go from here? Hmm…

    How about this:

    Wouldn’t it be nice? YES IT WOULD!

    Or this?

    And to pay due respect on the way out, it’s only appropriate (ladies and gentlemen, please rise):

    Thanks for attending.


    • kulturcritic says:

      Thanks for the musical tour, DA. We can always count on you as entertainment director. Having said that, I think the selection from our very own (BB) BeachBoys just about sets the policy and the subsequent direction for (BB) Baby Boomers. It loudly, but quietly drilled into all of us critical assumptions of modern social management, romantic love, leading to monogamy and the nuclear family, and finally HOPE for the future! How very touching!

      • derekthered says:

        and then it just turned on us

        • kulturcritic says:

          So, where have we landed, Major Tom?

          • derekthered says:

            that’s a good one, i’d have to really sit down and think to write something vaguely intellectual sounding.

            just looking around, ear to the ground, the kid’s are mentally preparing, girding for battle so to speak. they don’t pay much attention to old dad, but the eldest has read some Dawkins and is pretty cold-blooded about everything, but she figures we have some time, no need to panic. the boy? he’s more reticent, but he see’s what’s coming down the road, it’s always the quiet types. and the youngest? she’s just plain aggressive, learned it at school you see, like in prison, punch out the toughest guy you see, it’s called “cred”, shorthand for credibility. don’t get me wrong, they are socialized, well socialized, for our society as it is………………..

            other people? they just mind their own business, the adults.

            you see, i am kind of the neighborhood Dad, so many fatherless chidren, so i notice the kids more than anyone else, they are more interesting, quick, sharp. the kids are much the same as always, some oblivious, some self medicating, but there are some who are aware, and i think they see the world as a battlefield. mostly good kids, but products of their environment.

            anything more i’d have to think about.

            • Disaffected says:

              Me thinks DtR continually underestimates himself. Me thinks DtR is probably an informal “community glue” who is probably a linchpin in holding his local community together and doesn’t give himself enough credit for doing so.

        • Disaffected says:

          King Crimson? Now we’re going DEEP into the musical library!

      • Disaffected says:

        Hadn’t thought of it that way in a while (surprising, since I’ve pretty much lived my entire life as the ANTITHESIS of the nuclear family), but thanks for reminding me. While out doing another long hike today with another guy, we got into the meaning of AMC’s Mad Men, which for those of you who haven’t seen it it, is a dramatic historic set piece set in the 1960’s. It’s obvious first appeal is to baby boomers like me who grew up in the 60’s revisiting their now dimly remembered youth; but secondly, it’s set in a NYC Madison Ave. advertising agency, which epitomizes the burgeoning American hegemony in the world at the time better than any other. Take aways, since I had to elucidate what I thought of the series, which I follow quite closely, to my friend, who doesn’t:

        The 60’s, quite the opposite of my remembrances, was a VERY CONSERVATIVE decade! I had the luxury of living through it very young (born in 1957), so I have a very romanticized view of it still. The decadence of the 1970’s was still a LONG WAY off, but since I came of age in the 70’s, my tendency is to assume that the 60’s were the same. They weren’t. At ALL!

        In the course of the series, they’ve (Mathew Weiner) has pretty much totally dispelled the idea of the nuclear family historically. As it should. When my parents first got divorced in 1967, I was afraid to even mention it to any of my friends. By 1970, no problem whatsoever. I know, I know, age differences and all that. But there really was a difference in thinking that took place in that time.

        • kulturcritic says:

          Of course, in Russia, there was no recognition of Father’s Day, Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day (Romantic Love) until just a few years ago. Interesting when you think of that in terms of the nuclear family and its status outside of the West. Remember also in Russia, every strange man is called uncle and every unknown woman is called aunt or grandma, by children.

          • Disaffected says:

            So I’ve heard. I think the whole romantic love thing is luxury product of affluence, but the trouble is, even the affluent have a hard time buying into it past the initial attraction phase. It’s very comparable to the infatuation phase we have with big ticket monetary purchases (homes and cars come to mind immediately), which we here in the west have been conditioned to respond to in a Pavlovian manner. All of which we get over all too soon, and then on to the next. And therein lies the perpetual dissatisfaction, acquisition, satisfaction, dissatisfaction cycle upon which capitalism depends. Capitalism’s root premise is that not only are we all perpetually dissatisfied with our current state of acquisition/happiness (the two are assumed to be one and the same), but that’s the way things should be and must be for the world to work. From there, all of its implied many miseries, which we’re currently experiencing in spades, just logically follow.

  6. Sounds like another fun day in Paradise! Great post, Sandy!

  7. cliffkrolick says:

    “a scam of the intellectual, expert, and policymaking elite slicing, dicing and selectively manipulating bits of data to create cogent illusions for public consumption. And as the public sits back in their soft armchairs and consumes this tripe, the real stuff is quietly getting cooked behind the scenes, as we continue sleepwalking to the bitter end.” And one can only assume that the illusions of this public consumption go way beyond the gargle of the media and political corporate power brokers. Literally for many of us the air, water, and food we intake has been cooked,sliced and diced into a toxic morsel that many will inevitably fall prey too

  8. derekthered says:

    DA – “not to gloss over the pogroms…” i think i was incorrect in my usage, the pogroms were against Jews and predated the USSR. i was actually referring to Soviet “excesses” under Lenin and mainly Stalin. however……..i guess you could term the Red Scares in the US as pogroms, it fits, sort of, the jewish Pogroms wound up killing a bunch of people.

    but yes, back to the good old USA, Capital saw what a threat groups such as the IWW posed, and wasted no time subverting and suppressing such groups, no doubt it is a long term plan, conspiracy? or just an understanding? it’s a group of like minded individuals, these social controls are learned from a very early age among the “better” types.

    • Disaffected says:

      Not really a “conspiracy” per se. Just a well thought out and coordinated plan to consolidate generational wealth gains carried out out of the public eye. Just as all major corporate decisions are. The illusion of transparency in corporate decisions in particular are usually just that – an illusion. The big money boys know that there’s far too much to lose to trust their fates to the whims of anything as whimsical as an open democracy. Thus the inevitable eventual merging of the public and the private sectors. Just good business.

      • derekthered says:

        “a well thought out and coordinated plan” – “carried on out of the public eye.” well geez, DA, that’s pretty much the definition of a conspiracy, isn’t it? i mean really, conspiracy has taken on such overtones, but you could call the preparation for Operation Barbarossa a “conspiracy”. but then that’s just quibbling over words.

        however, “the inevitable eventual merging of the public and the private sectors”,
        that’s just plain old fascism, and it’s what we’ve got, just nobody will admit it.

        • Disaffected says:

          A pig by any other name is still a pig. Many would argue that fascism is just the logical end state of any capitalist democracy. Yes, conspiracies exist along a continuum, a gray scale. To their credit, our capitalist overlords honestly believe they’re doing the best thing for everyone. And who knows, what with our current massive overpopulation levels, perhaps they are?

          • derekthered says:

            i don’t know if it was here, but someone recommended “Blood Meridian”, or they posted a quote from Judge Holden, so i read the book. Harper Lee-ish, hard to read at first, but then night descends and the Judge speaks,
            “It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way

            “…it endures because young men love it and old men love it in them.

            “The judge smiled. Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work. He knows too that the worth or merit of a game is not inherent in the game itself but rather in the value of that which is put at hazard. Games of chance require a wager to have meaning at all. Games of sport involve the skill and strength of the opponents and the humiliation of defeat and the pride of victory are in themselves sufficient stake because they inhere in the worth of the principals and define them. But the trial of chance or trial of worth all games aspire to the condition of war for here that which is wagered swallows up the game, player, all.”

            “War is the ultimate game because war is at last a forcing of the unity of existence. War is god.”

            i immediately recognized this line of thought, Professor B. proposes something along the same lines, a lottery where when one wins, another is reduced to penury, or put to death; or was it a movie script? hell if i remember.

            anyhow, it has to do with another essay i haven’t gotten around to, about artificiality, about our unwillingness to roll the dice, to take a chance, selling out freedom for certainty. probably just a retread of something i’ve read, but who cares? the king is dead, long live the king!

            honestly, sometimes i wonder if the judge is correct, whether evil is good, and what we have been taught is just social conditioning. scary, but who can blame me or anyone else when our entire public discourse seems to be based on lies and subterfuge? which brings me full circle, i don’t believe those in power think it’s for our own good, i think they know damn good and well what they’re doing, and are sitting back laughing their asses off. Judge Holden lives.

            • Disaffected says:

              That was good DtR! Reminds me of Stephen King’s The Long Walk. From the Wiki:

              One hundred teenage boys participate in an annual walking contest called “The Long Walk”, which is the “national sport”. Each Walker must maintain a speed of at least four miles per hour; if he drops below that speed for 30 seconds, he receives a verbal warning (which can be erased by walking for one hour without being warned). If a Walker with three warnings slows down again, he is “ticketed”. The meaning of this term is intentionally kept vague at first, but it soon becomes clear that “buying a ticket” means to be shot dead by soldiers riding in half-tracks along the roadside. Walkers may be shot immediately for certain serious violations, such as trying to leave the road or attacking the half-track. The soldiers use electronic equipment to precisely determine a Walker’s speed.

              I’d like to see it updated with modern drone technology. I could imagine tens of thousands signing up to participate. GPS speed sensing and instant, total, and graphic liquidation for the losers! It would wipe NFL football of the map!

        • kulturcritic says:

          I admit it! And you win the prize, Red! A rose by any other name, smells as sweet.

  9. Disaffected says:

    Just coincidentally, had the distinct privilege of sitting through a semi-official overview account of WWII from the point of view of the institutional historian at the major employer of Northern New Mexico, and indeed, all of New Mexico for that matter. Pretty even handed as far as it went (like most academics, he ran long and against his time limit), but he barely even got around to the true PR points of the talk. And of course, the Soviets were hardly blameless for the carnage of WWII, in fact inviting much if not most of it on themselves by striking a deal with the funny little Austrian dude early on. And he definitely hit on the carnage incurred by all the major powers. For the whole war: US: slightly less than 500K. For the USSR: slightly less than 25M, with ~2M at Stalingrad alone. And of course it’s also important to remember that the Soviet “troops” (many of whom were merely old men or young boys thrown into battle without weapons) were indeed truly up against a rock and hard place, knowing full well that it was either death at the front with honor or death at the rear with shame; so needless to say, it was no picnic whatsoever being a young Soviet male in the 1930’s-40’s. Anyway, it yet again reminded me of the world from whence we came and the terrible horrors we’re capable of inflicting on one another. Makes today’s bullshit seem pretty tame by comparison, but then again, we’re not done yet, are we? And the other major takeaway? Same as all the history books preach over and over again: the seeds of any current conflict are always either directly or indirectly sown in the settlement of the one(s) that went before it. We humans it seems, are indeed some vengeful motherfuckers!

    • derekthered says:

      an interesting book.
      given to me a long time ago by a buddy of mine whose dad was a WWII fighter ace, one of the few to fly the P-38 Lightning in the European Theater.

      one could argue that if the US had stayed out of WWI, there would never have been a WWII. take a look at the situation, the Czars had German consorts, the Kaiser was Victoria’s grandson!
      but then, how could these early American industrialists be expected to sit on the sidelines? all history now.
      right now we should be preparing for the worst, building underground, planting, planting, planting, but we aren’t; the very same industrialists who ruled 100 years ago are shipping products around the world, burning up the fuel.
      same old song and dance.
      here’s the problem, the best way to sequester carbon is thru plants
      but if you read carefully here
      there is a limit to what soil can store
      “several long-term studies have indicated that as plants continue to add more carbon to the soils, the carbon “sequestered,” or stored, in the soils increases proportionately. But other research has found that, in some soils, the levels of carbon in the soil did not increase, despite the addition of more carbon from decayed plant matter.

      This suggested that there might be an upper limit to the amount of carbon that can be held by the soil, or in other words, soils can literally become saturated with carbon.”

      aah, i’m going to get get some dinner.

  10. derekthered says:

    The Lottery in Babylon
    Jorge Luis Borges. Collected Fictions. Tr. Andrew Hurley. New York: Penguin Putnam, 1998. Pp. 101-106.

    • Disaffected says:

      I’m imagining a lottery type event tailored along the lines of The Long Walk. Entrants are picked from a cast of millions (of economic losers) to “walk off” they and their family’s debts. To the losers, all pre-arranged familial debts are written off and a small stipend is paid. To the winners, national celebrity and a multi-million dollar payout (taxed to death and soon squandered, to be sure) is ensured.

      I imagine these events to be regional and seasonal to start out at least, for sure with “playoff” and “national championship” implications to shortly ensue after they catch on. All relevant entrant personal stats (height, weight, parentage, sexual preference, detailed personal history, relationships, Facebook bullshit, etc.) would of course be taken and digitally recorded, and digital monitors would be attached that recorded everything that could be recorded for the entrant (voice, heart rate, BP, etc) while the actual activity was ongoing. In addition, a personal life history of some sort would be recorded for on-air play during the event, to include personal anecdotes, smarmy bullshit quotes about the recently departed, and all the usual accoutrements of American bullshit TV.

      And then, to add to the excitement, in addition to the minimal walking speed (ho-hum!), random and audience participation measures are added to ramp up the excitement! For instance: random PowerBall numbers are drawn hourly and entrant numbers are targeted accordingly. Entrants would be notified that they had been targeted and some random measure could be applied to give them a fighting chance. Likewise, the audience itself would be allowed to vote on and target particularly unlikable candidates for elimination, possibly with sponsored bonus buy ins (I’ll pay $100K RIGHT NOW to eliminate that MF NO MATTER WHAT!). In the end, the possibilities are almost endless!

      All the while satellite beamed images give us in-depth views into the soon to be liquidated bastard’s personal history, family, etc.; even as the poor bastard is being “splattered” (TM) by a surgical drone strike from above, recorded for prosperity (with a multi-angle replay digital copy sent to his heirs) of course.

      Yeah, I’m LIKING THIS BULLSHIT! Might even sign up for it myself!


      • derekthered says:

        nah, put it in an arena, gladiatorial combat, pick people from every state, one man, one woman, wait a minute! didn’t somebody write a book like that?
        too close for comfort, a simulation of what is already going on, but then isn’t what’s already happening practically a simulation already? propaganda, controls, behavior modification. am movie, a video game, for real.

      • derekthered says:

        gonna need a close-up, lotsa blood, people might be shocked at first, they’ll gat used to it, then they will start liking it, wait a minute!

        • Disaffected says:

          I think we’ll cross the human entrail frontier shortly. That’s the line most queasy civilians usually draw in the sand. Something about recognizing that humans are basically worms inside usually makes most people squirm. But if you’re going to do violence, why not do it right?

          Back to the vision: smarmy human interest story played in soft new-age tones juxtaposed against surgical smart bomb video as it closes in on and liquidates our human target WITH EXTREME AND MULTI-ANGLE GRAPHIC PREJUDICE IN A FLASH!!! OH FUCKING HELL YEAH!!!

  11. Disaffected says:

    Damn! Looks like a slow news / inspiration week from Altai Krai this week. Might have to tap out a screed real quick to get things started again. Nothing fancy mind you. Let me see what I can do…

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